
Un interviu video cu Joe Richir

Joe Richir detine porumbei din liniile urmatoare: E. Lang Miller – Van Loon – Sions – leen boers – Hofkens – Janssen. In aces interviu puteti urmari cativa porumbei care au obtinut rezulatte foarte bune.

Aici puteti vedea cum se practica sportul columbofil in Statele Unite ale Americii.

Acesta foloseste in mare parte reproducerea in line, foloseste si consangvinzarea din cand in cand. A incrucisat porumbeii de distante lungi cu cei de distante scurte pentru a obtine porumbei care sa se preteze in zona sa Florida, la etapele de demifond.

E. Lang Miller – Van Loon – Sions – leen boers – Hofkens – Janssen racing pigeons. These are a few of the performance birds that have earned a spot in Joe Richir’s Breeding Loft. With Champion long distance birds that have proven themselves in New York and in South Florida.

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